The cattery is built to the latest Environmental Health Standards and it is licensed by Chichester District Council, who also inspect the cattery on a regular basis to ensure that high standards are met and maintained.
The visiting cats enjoy large individually heated and insulated chalets and spacious runs. Family units are available at reasonable rates upon request.
And for your peace of mind, we welcome inspections.

Single Cat £15.00 per day
2 Cats sharing £22.50 per day
Subsequent cats £10 per day
Please note, all charges include food, heating, insurance and veterinary fees up to £650.
An additional charge of £2.00 per day will be made for cats on medication.
This charge is raised to £5.00 per day for diabetic cats requiring injections.

Daily Charges will include the day of arrival and departure to allow for essential disinfecting of chalets. A current vaccination certificate must be provided and all cats must be treated for fleas prior to boarding.
In the event of owners returning before the period for which the cat is booked the full period may be charged.
Reception & Collection is available; Weekdays 9 am to 4 pm
Weekends & Bank Holidays 9 am to 12 noon.
Owners are most welcome to visit the Chichester Cattery and inspect the premises during reception hours before boarding their cat.

This is Maneka my beautiful silver and white maincoon boy. He is three and a half years old and the first time he went to stay with Matthew and the staff at Chichester Cattery he was only 7 months old so I was like a new mum leaving her baby with a babysitter for the very first time.
I need not have worried as when I went to visit the cattery I met with Matthew the owner who showed me around and I was delighted to see that the cattery was situated in beautiful countryside, the staff were so friendly and obviously loved the cats. The runs were spacious, clean, and each one even had a little basket with cat toys in them - how cute is that.
Since that first time Maneka visits the cattery every year (twice this year because I moved) and everytime he comes back happy, content, beautifully groomed and in perfect health. This time he even managed to put on a bit of weight so that must be a sign of contentment.
I just cannot thank everyone at Chichester Cattery enough for looking after my beloved pet and if he could I am sure Maneka would add a 'paw print' as well.